The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #79413   Message #1439118
Posted By: Frankham
20-Mar-05 - 03:59 PM
Thread Name: BS: Libs....get your numbers straight....
Subject: RE: BS: Libs....get your numbers straight....
Well Doug if you don't see an attack here, then I guess that's a matter of perception. His attempt was not to clarity anything but to attack a Liberal point of view. He did not say where the Washington Post story appeared. Probably in an op-ed column by a Right-wing editorial.

" Susu's husband has only attempted to clarify, with data supplied in his first post, the breakdown of the 100,000 figure contained in the Washington Post story. Some here on the Mudcat have evidently claimed that all 100,000 deaths should be credited to U. S. forces. Clearly, according to the date Hubby provided, that is not the case."

There is no substantial number that has been verified by anyone except the proponents of the Iraq war. No one knows how many deaths have occurred because there is a virtual news blackout on what's really going on over there. The Washington Post is known for spin as much as any of the current mainstream newspapers and I challenge the data and offer that those who want to know what's really going on visit Dar Jamail's website.

"I see nothing diabolical about this thread at all. The objection from the left appears to be that Hubby has pricked a hole in their balloon."

He has done nothing of the kind. He's merely parroting the current spin by the White House. And he is provoking an answer through insult, not through dialogue. He is obviously not interested in dialogue but in attacking Liberals. And he doesn't have the facts.

"As to having to wade through stuff to get to the music threads, the thread is clearly included with the BS section of Mudcat. What's the problem?"

In my setup, the BS threads are mixed up with the music threads. That is the problem. It was OK before when the BS threads were at the bottom. It got changed.
