The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #79413   Message #1439121
Posted By: susu
20-Mar-05 - 04:02 PM
Thread Name: BS: Libs....get your numbers straight....
Subject: RE: BS: Libs....get your numbers straight....
Okay this is the actual Susu on this post. The post on 20 Mar 05 - 09:13 AM with my moniker was a mere oversight on hubby's part as I did not log out of mudcat after I checked to see what had changed that made me start getting emails from people. You want to talk about cowards! I would suspect that the emails I received are from the same person or a couple of people who got together and made up false email addresses with yahoo and hotmail, and some other thing called gmail. But I digress, I came onto mudcat only to find that in this particular thread my info was reposted, it was done to prove a point that hubby is not some other long time poster to mudcat that was being slandered by the accusation that he merely changed his moniker to be a troll, as you guys put it. Now that being said I would like to clarify some things with you people. Hubby received a music scholarship to OBU (Oklahoma Baptist University) and plays piano as well as sings he was also the music minister to our church for 3 years prior to us moving out of state. I found mudcat around Christmas by accident when I was searching for lyrics to Christmas songs and found someone was looking for the 12 Drinks of Christmas lyrics, which I knew one version that was not posted, so I posted it. I showed my husband the website because I know that he is interested in music and there were also other interesting posts on here. He began to post under my moniker, and to clarify that it was not me, he would sign it as Susu's Hubby. When he created his own moniker, it seemed only natural that he used the name Susu's hubby since that was what he became known as. Cowardly? No Carol, GET A CLUE!!!! Cowardly would be if he were to make sure that it couldn't be identified as a previous poster by hiding under a totally different moniker. I guess if any of you would like to comment to me the best way is to send me an EMAIL since I do not log on too often to mudcat anymore and most likely will not see your PM's. At this time I am trying to find out how to get my moniker disabled if I can. Best of luck to all of you, and if you disagree with hubby fine, but try to leave me out of it okay. Susu