The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #79457   Message #1439328
Posted By: Once Famous
20-Mar-05 - 08:45 PM
Thread Name: BS: Libs- Beware of......
Subject: RE: BS: Libs- Beware of......
Okay, I know this isn't a true obituary, but maybe it is for this national sport, at least as we know it at the professional level. I also know that few folks outside of Canada (or Canadians) are interested, so please bear with me, or skip to the next thread.

For two years, the players and owners have been arguing back and forth over a new binding agreement for wages, bonuses, job security, etc. The most recent contract expired this past spring/summer, and since then the owners have locked out the players... now, on the eve of cancelling the entire season, the players' union has gone back and said, "Okay owners, you can get what you want (sorta)." But, the owners rejected that offer, wanting a little more....

that being said... does anyone care? as far as hockey fans like myself, I mean...