The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #79457   Message #1439357
Posted By: Bobert
20-Mar-05 - 09:42 PM
Thread Name: BS: Libs- Beware of......
Subject: RE: BS: Libs- Beware of......
Ahhhh, don't gte sucked into Martin's Hockey thread, folks... It's funny but diversionary... He 's just trying to *change the conversation*... Yeah, it's cute but even cuteness is a diversionary tool... Bush can be cute, too, but that don't mean jack to the elderly who are coosing between drugs and food...

Hey, don't let these Bush-head crooks/agants highjack this thread... Let 'um have the others.

STAND UP, for God's sake (sorry to scream) and tell these folks that "We're on to you!!! Either talk issues or shut up! It's OUR TURN! (Sorry to scream) NOT YOURS! (Sorry about the scream...) Yeah, my friends, it is time for us to take back America and we won't do it playin' *their game*...

I am tired of a couple of creeps being able to highjack threads and redirect the converstaion...

We progressives are smarter than these these creeps...

Block them out like they don't friggin' exist...

Yeah, I saw hubby's post and guess what? Well, I'll tell ya what. Hubby has nuthin' to say to folk singers! Nuthin! See that mouse? Just click on that little arrow on the bottom right and breeze right on by hubby. He ain't worth yer time. Maybe in a couple of weeks you might wanta see what he's sayin' but if its the same old crap that we;ve been hearing from hubby then give himanother couple of weeks...

I mean this very seriously. If you progressives want to change America then WE (sorry about the scream) NOT THEM (sorry about the scream) gotta control the conversations... They have had the microphone and screaming at us way too long..

So I would ask you tonight to quit defending the little crap that hubby and his pals are using to over-power us and us the power of good old solid pro-human, pro-earth thinking and when they they, AS THEY WILL (Sorry for screaming) us their usual baiting tactics that we ignore them...

Oh sure, it may make life in Mudville a little less exciting for a few days but guess what? In the long run it will make for a better exchange of ideas... I promise...
