The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #15696   Message #144047
Posted By: Benjamin
03-Dec-99 - 04:17 AM
Thread Name: BS: WTO
Subject: RE: BS: WTO
Thanks Alfafem! Nice to see someone understanding that there is another side to whats going on here. Nice to see someone sticking up for the police as well. Posters have been saying stuff like "It was the police that shot the tear gas, not the protesters." As if the police are just a bunch of trigger happy tear gassers throughing the gas down for no real reason other than they think it's fun!

I shouldn't have to repost my last post, but I tryed to give a positive look on things. I am happy to see protesters spend their day doing nothing but cleaning up trash, removing graffiti, etc. That is the kind of work is what wins them the support of the city.

Still, this has happened in a horable place at a horable time. Many independant shops depend on the Christmas season. A day like today any other year would bring in a good 5k or so. Stores that have opened (from what I'm hearing all over town) is that the shops that did open were lucky if they made back the cost of opening that day. I'm not saying tolerate slave labor, but there has to be a better way that this.

Mike, the times you got tear gasses are different. You were out protesting yourself, you weren't inocent (I'm not judging your cause, but you were in the crowd) and you weren't trapped up 5 or so stories with a disabled family you had to watch over. My friend had no part in this, and got trapped with his blind wife and 1 month old daughter (I don't believe gas is considered healthy for her age either). I do think I see the bigger picture, I don't think your seeing everything that's happening here! I don't like slave labor myself, but I do love my city. I do not think inocent civilians should have to be caught in the middle of this. You can't win a battle when your attacking the civilians and no mather what you say, your leaving the army alone.

There are lots of stuff happening here. When the protesters arived, the first thing they did was go to the streets and recrute every street kid they could to join them. Many of these kids have warents and when they get arrested, the protesters then are no where to be found. When your working with these kids, trying to help them learn some responsibility, this is a huge step back. With the down town curfew Tuesday night. A drop in center down town had to take the kids to the shelter I volunteer at (and I've never seen that place so crowded!). All these kids over 18 came in and wanted to spend the night (as we are a shelter as apposed to just a drop in center). Yet our license is 17 and under. The protests had this crowd worked and it was entirely by Gods grace we got them out at 10 (when drop in for 18+ ends) with out a fight and calling the cops. When you are really trying to help them make some progress (like getting off the streets) this isn't helping at all!

Anyways, the point of this past paragraph is to state that there is a lot more issues here than the news and/or media could care about! I've discused this with other staff at the Shelter. I've been involved here since a sophomore in Highschool. You really don't hear about what is happening some places if you are not involved some way!

I haven't said that we shouldn't protest or shouldn't use free speach. Sorry if I gave that impression, but that was putting words in my mouth and not waiting for me to spit them out! I just don't believe you need to shut down a city. If this was your backyard, you might then feel the same.