The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #79509   Message #1440645
Posted By: CarolC
22-Mar-05 - 12:24 PM
Thread Name: BS: Dream Interpretation
Subject: BS: Dream Interpretation
I know there's at least one other 'catter besides me who is interested in dream interpretation.

I don't have recurring dreams, but I do have dreams with recurring themes. One of the themes I have had over the years has been house dreams. Never the same house, and never the same circumstances, but in each one, the house is a key part of the dream. I've already figured out a lot of what those dreams are about, even though I expect to have some that will present me with new things to figure out.

But more recently, I've begun to have a new kind of recurring theme in some of my dreams. Over the last couple of years, I've been hanging out a lot at the Whitehouse, as a guest of the President or one or more of his family members. It isn't always Bush who is president when I hang out at the Whitehouse. Sometimes it's Clinton, and sometimes it's nobody I'm familiar with.

But the way it usually works is that in the dream I am either a family friend and I'm there just for a visit (one time, I either had Christmas or someone's birthday with the Whitehouse family), and sometimes I am there because I have important business there (like, for instance, I'm being recognised for some function I have served, or to advise the president on some important matter. Last night I had one in which I was visiting the president's mother as a guest. It wasn't Barbara Bush though. I don't know who it was. Miss Lillian, maybe. We had a pleasant visit and I was woken up in the middle of it, so I don't know how it ends.

I usually don't have dreams in which my place in the world is inflated as it seems to be in these dreams. Which, I guess, is why I'm having some difficulty figuring out what they could mean in my psyche.

At any rate, they are pretty much always interesting dreams as dreams go, and I usually wake up afterwards with a nice feeling. But if anyone wants to take a stab at gussing what my psyche is trying to tell me, go for it. These dreams definitely have my curiousity aroused.