The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #79509   Message #1440762
Posted By: Ebbie
22-Mar-05 - 01:37 PM
Thread Name: BS: Dream Interpretation
Subject: RE: BS: Dream Interpretation
I have often dreamt about houses too. I remember one in particular- a big red brick house that was made into apartments. Over the years I think I have lived in every one of the apartments- some large, some small - although I don't usually realize it's the same house until close to the end of the dream. I dunno.

Night before last I had one of those frustrating dreams. I was responsible for six or seven babies- who were still in the lying flat on the back stage - and all day long I never got around to changing them or feeding them. I was so afraid that someone would find out... The babies weren't unhappy but I knew they must be very wet and hungry.

I've never dreamt about the White House but I have been in the audience when Frank Sinatra was the performer. In real life, I never liked Sinatra.