The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #79509   Message #1440797
Posted By: wysiwyg
22-Mar-05 - 02:14 PM
Thread Name: BS: Dream Interpretation
Subject: RE: BS: Dream Interpretation
A lot of people consciously equate "house" with "physical body..."   the concrete construct that contains the inner self. Temple of the spirit and all that. What is your house saying to you that you might need to apply to your body?

Another technique (I think it's from Gestalt Therapy but I'll use my own words to describe it-- long time ago!) is to tell and tell and tell the dream, putting every feature of it (including the scenery), into the "I-Voice." Let each thing you have put into the dream speak for itself, on the assumption that each item is a part of you since you put it there and it's made entirely of you.

Or another technique-- discuss with yourself before you retire that at a certain point in the dream, your critical thinking will kick in to direct the dream to explore a certain concept, take a certain action, ask a question-- whatever.

Still another-- I found that I was spontaneously waking myself up out of non-productive dreams, realizing while dreaming, something like: "Now wait just a damn minute here, this is a dream and a really stupid one. I do not need to waste my time in this!" And I would wake enough to get up and pee, get some water, go back to bed, and dream something else!

My personal opinion is that dreams are the device we use in life to convince our smart, active selves to lie the hell down and get some recuperative rest-- entertainment with a fascination-aspect built in to keep us from getting up and getting busy!
