The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #15696   Message #144094
Posted By: katlaughing
03-Dec-99 - 09:15 AM
Thread Name: BS: WTO
Subject: RE: BS: WTO
Thanks, BE. I thought that was a given in this crowd. Kee-riced, I've been marching and protesting and conserving and recycling, etc. for umpteem years, as well as writing op/ed pieces for several papers on environmental issues.

Benjamin & Alphafem - you both are obviously passionate about what you feel and say. It would do you both some good if you tried to get to know who a lot of us are before you start making generalisations. Some of the posters whom you've derided are very well-versed in such events, very well-spoken, and very-balanced, as well as have many years experience on all sides. We have several people on here from law enforcement and many from the trenches of labour, government, and conservation movements.

Did either of you click on the link I included early on from the Independent Media Center in Seattle? ANYONE can post their reports, thoughts, poems, etc. there. There is a wealth of firsthand reports, analysis and reports of actions, motivations, etc. to be read there, from people all ove rhte world, including a poignant poem from someone in Brasil.
