The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #79413   Message #1441108
Posted By: susu
22-Mar-05 - 07:48 PM
Thread Name: BS: Libs....get your numbers straight....
Subject: RE: BS: Libs....get your numbers straight....
Brucie, I was surprised that you remembered I was part of a duo; that made me feel good.
I think Hubby must have made his point effectively and scared all the liberals off, and onto Boberts thread, oh well! I have found that a similar thing happens when people get convicted in their hearts when Christians speak the truth. I enjoy reading a lot of the posts that many of you place on the cat, and I find this type of thread somewhat refreshing. I am actually very proud to be married to Hubby as things are always interesting. As for those who think the way he is responding to you is abusive, I have never known him to be abusive and I did not see anything about any of his posts to be such. I think that some people should refrain form political debates if they are going to wear their hearts on their sleeves. I don't know, maybe I am just too callous to care, no that isn't it… for if I was insensitive, I would not cry every time I ponder on Sept. 11. It strikes me as sad that so many people not only bashed Hubby, but also EMAILED me about their opinions and how sorry they felt for me as well as a few choice hateful things to me, and about hubby. Do not feel sorry for me, as he is a wonderful husband, and the best dad my kids could have ever asked for (he is their step-dad, but they refer to him as their "real dad" and their biological father as "the sperm donor") He stepped in and saved not only them, but me as well. Ask him, they are HIS children. He wants what is best for their future, and that is why he has the political views that he has. I cannot speak for any of you as to whether or not you cry at the thought of what happened on Sept. 11, but you know what? He does. He does not blindly follow G.W. like many of you think, there are things he disagrees with, but being patriotic he supports his president, even when it was Clinton, and others from our era, he tries to find the positive in each incumbent, can you say the same? Susu