The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #79496 Message #1441130
Posted By: GUEST,Jon
22-Mar-05 - 08:06 PM
Thread Name: BS: Mudders who watch their Threads Die
Subject: RE: BS: Mudders who watch their Threads Die
There seems to be several versions of this one. Not sure who wrote the original.
'Twas an evening in November, As I very well remember. I was strolling down the street in drunken pride, But my knees were all aflutter, So I landed in the gutter, And a pig came up a lay down by my side. Yes, I lay there in the gutter Thinking thoughts I could not utter, When a colleen passing by did softly say, "You can tell a man that boozes By the company he chooses." At that the pig got up and walked away!