The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #74135   Message #1441187
Posted By: Naemanson
22-Mar-05 - 09:31 PM
Thread Name: Springtime In Guam
Subject: RE: Springtime In Guam
Yesterday was a very busy day. I took my truck into the shop for repairs and then we went to drop film off at Kmart. After that we did some hotel shopping for our wedding ceremony.

I haven't mentioned it yet but we need to have a wedding ceremony. We are legally married in the eyes of the various governments involved but we are not completely married in Wakana's sense of values. We need to have a ceremony to fulfill her sense of filial piety. This is very important to her Japanese culture. So in June we will get married again. We are deep in plans and lists.

It will not be a grand and elegant affair. We want to have the ceremony at the canoe because we met through the canoe. We want Manny to conduct the ceremony because we do not need to have a legally constituted wedding person do it and he is our master navigator. And he has experience. As far as we can tell he has wives on several of the islands and we hear he has fathered about 40 kids. I believe there is some exaggeration there but he is a pretty good guy and a good father to the half dozen kids he has with him here on Guam.

It turns out that the price is the same no matter where you go on the island. The minimum to feed the guests will be $20 per person. The room is "free". My favorite place is the Santa Fe Hotel which will put us on a covered patio by the beach. We will be able to watch the sun go down. The canoe can sail right up to the beach and we can get married down by the water.

Wakana's father is excited. He wants to give away the bride. She says he is planning to wear a mourning suit. If he does he will be vastly overdressed for the occasion, certainly better dressed than the groom. I will be wearing an aloha shirt and white slacks.

Of course, you are all invited. Please RSVP by the end of May. I hope you will all be here for the grand event. (Just kidding. I know you cannot come to Guam)

By the way, the pickup needed a belt tensioner. When we went to pick it up they told us it wasn't ready yet. This morning they called to say it would be ready by noon and that the problem was the new belt. It seems they tried to put the wrong size on after the repair was complete. Sigh. As Wakana and I say to each other over and over… Guam, that's why.