The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #79413   Message #1441224
Posted By: Little Hawk
22-Mar-05 - 10:44 PM
Thread Name: BS: Libs....get your numbers straight....
Subject: RE: BS: Libs....get your numbers straight....
A real Christian would be someone who followed Jesus' teachings and example, right?

Now if we can all just agree on WHAT Jesus' teachings and example actually WERE... :-)

I've got my own ideas about it, that's for sure. That makes me, in my own eyes, someone who is at least attempting to be a "real Christian", I suppose, although...I am also attempting to be a real Taoist, a real Buddhist, and so on...(given that there is a common thread of wisdom running through all the great religions). I'm attempting to be a real HUMAN BEING.

I don't figure it has ANYTHING to do with churches or with belonging to a church. It has to do with following the example set by the greatest inspired teachers, such as Jesus, Krishna, Buddha, etc.

That means:

Love the Lord God (or whatever you wish to call It) with all your mind, all your heart, and all your strength.

Love your neigbour as you love yourself.

Forgive people.

Be merciful.

Come to the aid of those in need and defend the helpless.

Strive for perfection.

Do not judge the mote in your brother's eye while ignoring the beam in your own.

And so on...

How are we all doing? :-)