The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #79413   Message #1441274
Posted By: susu
23-Mar-05 - 12:13 AM
Thread Name: BS: Libs....get your numbers straight....
Subject: RE: BS: Libs....get your numbers straight....
I respect that Bobert, and I too go to church every Sunday, I sing in the choir and all that stuff and I do know what you meant by "If you are of Faith then you know what I mean..." and so I am not directing this statement at you, but you have to agree, there are alot of people who go to church every Sunday and do "all the right things" for all the wrong reasons. Again I do not think that you are one of them or you wouldn't have said "...then you know what I mean"
I want you to continue to state your opinions and not let Hubby get you too riled up. He is just as passionate about his beliefs as you are, and truly wants to understand where other people are coming from, as he just doesn't get it. He is actully a funny guy and I think if you meet him in some other way you would have actually become friends, funny huh? I also want to say that I enjoy reading your posts as well as many others who post on the cat. I just get sad when people start name calling, including Hubby, if he has, I don't think he means anything by it he just gets caught up in it all like you all do. Talk to you later? Susu