The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #79519 Message #1442135
Posted By: Azizi
23-Mar-05 - 09:22 PM
Thread Name: BS: Will you May on May 19th?
Subject: RE: BS: Will you May on May 19th?
Excuse me, but what is the significance of May 19th?
Besides various birthdays, I mean..
And Happy Birthday to those whose birthdays come on or around that day, such as my daughter who will be 32 years old on May 10th! ****
As an aside, I'm a twin. I have this personal belief that good luck {blessings] come my way every time I see twins.
So maybe in this virtual reality, reading about twins also brings good luck..and in this thread two sets of twins have been mentioned. Wonderful!!
Enjoy their growing up years. It will seem that they grow up so fast!