The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #79519 Message #1442244
Posted By: Azizi
24-Mar-05 - 12:04 AM
Thread Name: BS: Will you May on May 19th?
Subject: RE: BS: Will you May on May 19th?
Thanks, Bee-dubya-ell.
I thought it might be a humorous take on that other thread. But then started doubting myself and thought that maybe May 19th was really some kinda holiday like May Day that was celebrated over yonder in the UK or somewhere Oz -Hey I'm congratulating myself for finally figured out that 'Oz' means 'Australia. That took me a while too. When I saw the referent Oz in Mudcat threads I thought people were talking about that movie with the wizard behind the curtain and Dorothy and Toto and the rest of the gang}
So back to this May 19th date, I almost concluded that Skipy was asking about whether people were going to celebrate May Day by skipping around Maypoles and whatever else people do for Mayday. {get it 'skipping' and 'Skipy'?}.
But then I said to myself "May Day is the first of May, right?" I still don't know the answer to that question..Nobody around here celebrates Mayday..actually the word 'mayday' means some disaster or something, doesn't it?
So I had to break down and ask what this date meant since it was bugging me that couldn't figure it out.