The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #79485   Message #1442611
Posted By: Lowden Jameswright
24-Mar-05 - 10:48 AM
Thread Name: How good is your folk club?
Subject: RE: How good is your folk club?
Sooz - I was aware you were a teacher, which is why I was surprised at your comments.

Obviously you can't afford to put as much time and effort into your teaching prep as you put into your stage craft or you'd end up in a psychiatric ward. Surely you've experienced the buzz of delivering shit-hot lessons off the cuff?

Now I know the bozos at "f-in Ofsted" think it's a crime for teachers to fly by the seat of their pants, but over preppin' n' plannin' does have a nasty habit of dullin' the axe (Agree/Disagree?).

As for the paper, your brain and your eyes, there's a simple solution that all good IT teachers know - GOTO the toolbar, click on Fonts and select from the pull-down menu a more suitable font size.

Enjoy your Easter break - and the next bastard standing propped up a Bar you hear saying:
"Teachers - best part-time job there is" - kick him in the goolies!