The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #15695   Message #144278
Posted By: McGrath of Harlow
03-Dec-99 - 03:28 PM
Thread Name: OS instead of BS designation
Subject: RE: OS instead of BS designation
Easy to se whty anyione might feel a need to be anonymous, but that's what psudonyms and aliases are for. Leave out any name at all, and how is anyone supposed to be able to tell whether two nameless posts come from different people, or the same person?

But please kat, don't compare nameless posting to playing "Knock Down Ginger", which is an ancient, albeit annoying, traditional pastime, all written up in the folklore literature by the Opies, and opriobably others.P>

The best way, of course, is in a narrow street where houses have knockers on the doors, when the game is to tie the knockers together and rap on one of the doors and hide round the corner. The idea being that when the householder opens the door, finds noone there, and closes it, this operates the knocker on the opposite house. When the second householder opens the door and closes it, this knocks on the first house -- and so on.