The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #79615   Message #1443505
Posted By: GUEST,Uncle Jaque
25-Mar-05 - 11:06 AM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: Southern Harmony 1835 'Arise'.
Subject: Lyr Req: Southern Harmony 1835 'Arise'.
Having been asked to provide some music for our Church's Easter "Sonrise" Service this Sunday, i chose an old Gospel tune from the "Southern Harmony" of 1835 called "Arise". Apparently, the same tune is sometimes known as "Restoration".

It's a really catchy tune, and I intend to render it on the Bb Military Fife in the Sanctuary - It ought to be quite a "Wakeup Call"!

I've also worked out guitar chords for it, and would love to have the lyrics. So far, searches in the digitrad, forum archives, and internet have not provided any lyrics that "fit" this particular score.

Does anyone have an original copy of the SH to check for lyrics to this tune? I got it off of the SH website, which does not provide lyrics.

I might have a version of it somewhere amidst my archival boxes of Christian music going back to 1800, but it will take some rummaging.

Thanks, and have a blessed Easter, or whatever your faith tradition celebrates this time of year!