The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #79251   Message #1443569
Posted By: GUEST,Uncle Jaque
25-Mar-05 - 12:16 PM
Thread Name: March Song Circle at SINSULL's
Subject: RE: March Song Circle at SINSULL's
Well ahoy, y'all!

I have been lurking on other boards lately, but when the Pastor called and asked if I would do some music for the Easter "Sonrise" Service Sunday it sort of jogged my generally defective attention span back into "music" mode.

At $2+ a gallon for petrol, we don't go much of anyplace out of the ordinary any more. My adopted Neice in Germany was paying about $1.50 a LITER last I knew, so we've a ways to go yet.

Gosh; I do miss you guys, and the Portland area Shanty hoots we used to have. Picking up my guitar today was made painfully aware of just how punky I've let my fretting callouses become.

I have a new gig for the past couple of months co-hosting a Saturday Morning talk show on WLOB from 6 to 9 AM. It's a lot of fun and I seem to take to it like a fish to water (being the ratchet-jaw that I'm wont to be), but I don't think it's anything that anyone here wants to listen to, particularly. (Trust me on that!)
I've even had occasion to sing a couple of short snippets of Sea Chantys live on the air now and then. Some of our callers have even requested it!

Is this gathering going to be in Portsmouth, Portland, or somewhere in between? Sure sounds like fun, anyways.

Have a ball - UJ