The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #77674   Message #1443575
Posted By: EagleWing
25-Mar-05 - 12:29 PM
Thread Name: BS: High Court Rules In Terry Schiavo Case
Subject: RE: BS: High Court Rules In Terry Schiavo Case
Bruce said (of the so-called rabbi) "I think it is wrong of people to impune his dignity"

WHAT! He has called Michael Sciavo a Murderer. He has accused him of gross immorality. He has stated that all those who have lost loved ones and defended Michael are like Nazis. He has shown not one iota of sympathy for those who have suffered loss and has ranted against all that is decent. He has no dignity. He has shown no mercy or compassion, only hate. He does not deserve the title of Rabbi and he has said nothing that could possibly command my respect.

As another of the many people who has watched a loved one die, I consider everything he has said of Michael to apply to me too. I sincerely hope this "rabbi" does not represent the majority of Judaism.

Frank Lane