The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #79519 Message #1443582
Posted By: Azizi
25-Mar-05 - 12:34 PM
Thread Name: BS: Will you May on May 19th?
Subject: RE: BS: Will you May on May 19th?
Thanks, Ebbie!
I appreciate it.
I have met a number of twins in my life.. And sometimes when I really need perking up, I have 'happened' to see a set of twins in a store or on the street..When I see these twins, given the symbology that I have invented for myself, I am required to feel better..{Hey, whatever works!!}
Perhaps it's wish furfillment, and/or seeing things that you are alert to {on the look out for}, but I'll take what ever I can get.
By the way, every generation for the last 4 generations in my family has had one set of twins. I also have twin grandsons [who cares if they aren't blood relations-they are the brothers of the son of my foster son so they're kin as far as I'm concerned].