The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #79502   Message #1443875
Posted By: Don(Wyziwyg)T
25-Mar-05 - 06:14 PM
Thread Name: BS: Gypsies, Tories, & Waterson/Carthy
Subject: RE: BS: Gypsies, Tories, & Waterson/Carthy
Could I point out the error which both politicians and many real people persist in making.

The terms "Traveller" and "gypsy" are not, repeat NOT, synonymous.

Gypsies are not "travellers"! They originate from the India/Pakistan sub continental area of Asia, and are an independent ethnic group.

Anyone who has read the history of these people will be aware that they differ from us only in the fact that they choose to live a nomadic life. They are generally fastidious about leaving their camp sites spotless, and show genuine concern for their environment.

True, they had a reputation of stealing, and of kidnapping young people (largely undeserved), because people are always inclined, when property is stolen, to blame a passing stranger rather than believe that their neighbours would be guilty.

Youngsters would often run off with a gypsy group, for the romantic notion of "The open road", and to escape the hardships of a life of near slavery on their parents' farms, and there is little real evidence to support any other scenario.

Travellers, on the other hand, may include some descendants of ethnic Romany, but are in many cases people who choose the travelling life to avoid paying taxes, and being subject to the law of the land.

Called Tinkers (wrongly) in Ireland, and Didikoi by the real Romany, they are the ones that are responsible for most of the mess that is being complained of.

Perhaps we all need to re-assess just what it is we feel we want to support?

Don T.