The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #79509   Message #1444392
Posted By: harpgirl
26-Mar-05 - 06:06 PM
Thread Name: BS: Dream Interpretation
Subject: RE: BS: Dream Interpretation
How about this: I dreamed last night that Bill Clinton wanted to have sex with me. He pursued me all around and despite my concern with him messing up with Hilary, he talked me into going back to my place which was a couple of small rooms where I was temporarily staying. He stripped off his clothes immediately and I began rubbing his naked back slowly up and down. He was looking out the curtained window with his back to me as I stroked it. I woke up....I thought after I woke up that he might have been signaling his SS guys he was having a tryst. He asked me if I slept. In the dream when he asked me if I slept I thought, he doesn't and he wants to know when he can leave. I don't mind if he takes off while I'm asleep!!!

Bill is a frequent visitor in my dreams. When I met him in Arkansas in 1978 at a cocktail party for bob Lefflar, I thought he was very, very attractive and must be married. I then picked out Hilary and decided he was married to her. She had long hair, owl glasses and a headband in those days. His hair was brown.