The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #79509   Message #1444552
Posted By: Little Hawk
26-Mar-05 - 10:59 PM
Thread Name: BS: Dream Interpretation
Subject: RE: BS: Dream Interpretation
That Bill Clinton dream was great! :-)

I have had somewhat similar dreams about Joan Baez, Buffy Sainte-Marie, Tina Turner, and Cher. In Cher's case, we were married, which was pretty neat. In Tina's case we spent a weekend in some nice bed and breakfast in Maine, by the coast. In Joan's case, we met after she had done a concert in Florida, and had a late night tryst in a penthouse apartment which belonged to a "friend". The friend turned out to be Bob Dylan! He arrived with a couple of helpers around 7 AM the next day, and was puzzled as to just who I was and why I was there. He'd been gigging and was dead tired. Joan had already left by then, having an early appointment, but he accepted my brief explanation of why I was there. In Buffy's case, I have met her in numerous dreams, once encountering her walking across St Clair Avenue in Toronto with 2 bags of groceries. I helped her carry them to some apartment.

I have a very rich fantasy life when I'm asleep, it seems.

I also met Pierre Trudeau in a dream once, and that was quite interesting. Have seen Bob Dylan in many dreams, usually playing music, sometimes socializing. He usually doesn't have a whole lot to say, but is agreeable. My instinct is to not bother him with questions, and he seems to like that.