Here's another interesting theme dream that I used to have. I used to have dreams in which I was ice skating, and I was good enough at it to be able to really enjoy it. I imagine it was a similar feeling in my ice skating dreams as what I imagine people have with flying dreams. I haven't had one of those in a long time.
susu, I used to have dreams in which I was trying to fly but couldn't. I haven't had one of those in a long time. And I also used to have dreams in which I would get lost in strange towns and wouldn't be able to find my way back out. And yes, there have been many, many times in my life when I have felt I wasn't up to whatever life was requiring of me at the time. I haven't decided if I think the White House dreams are that kind, though. Maybe time will tell.
The exploring house dreams and the White House dreams feel quite different and much more satisfying most of the time than the trying to fly and/or getting lost dreams. I'm thinking the exploring house dreams are more about me focusing on different parts of my life and different aspects of my consciousness. I don't think the White House dreams are about that though.