The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #79641   Message #1445090
Posted By: GUEST,*Laura*
27-Mar-05 - 04:54 PM
Thread Name: BS: Horaay for Eccleston!
Subject: RE: BS: Horaay for Eccleston!
Well the first Doctor Who I ever saw was a video of Rememberance of the Daleks (Sylvester McCoy and Sophie Aldred) and everyone says he's the worst doctor. But it meant I love the Daleks!
They can climb stairs in the Sylvestor McCoy one though.
Ahh I just love the way the Daleks are so calm and... I dunno - no emotion. No violent passionate 'kill! kill! destroy!' rubbish - just plain and simple 'we will exterminate you. exterminate exterminate'

(Course - they are also very funny when they get angry - all that spinning round and round. ha. classic)
