The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #79655 Message #1445699
Posted By: GUEST,Azizi
29-Mar-05 - 12:54 AM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: Bantu Original Words to 'Somagwaza'
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Bantu Original Words to 'Somagwaza'
Let me apologize for that incomplete sentence from the excerpt above. It was divided in that text by a quote, and is completely given here:
"The Bantu-speaking peoples vary greatly in physical type: some of them hardly differ from some of the 'Sudanic'-speaking[1] Negroes of West Africa (who, again, are by no means all of one pattern), while others show a type which has been accounted for by a probable 'Hamitic' invasion from the north.
Of course this leads to the question 'What is the meaning of the term "Hamitic"?' I was astonished to find this term being defined in a number of online sites as as 'Caucasoid'..
Sorry, that's not what I've read elsewhere..the Biblical referents to Noah's sons Shem, Ham {Cham}, and Japeth point to the meaning of the term "Hamitic". Shem, of course is the origin of the term 'Semitic', and Ham of 'Hamitic'.
But since that is a WHOLE 'nuther discussion that include the notion of the curse of Ham and umpteen other issues, I won't even go there in this thread {but in a way, I already did, didn't I?}