The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #15835   Message #144585
Posted By: catspaw49
04-Dec-99 - 11:58 AM
Thread Name: Thought for the Day (Dec 3)
Subject: RE: Thought for the Day (Dec 3)
Very astute comment Jeri. A lot of times around here we, or at least I, will let a thread die even when the last poster has said something worthwhile. We just go on and never take the time to say how good something is although we may have added some personal "note" in our minds about its author. At least this once, I didn't want to let that happen. I guess in this case what you said relly strikes me as true. Even your perception of the painting strikes me as perhaps more true. Of course that alone probably disqualifies it as having any validity since it is a well known fact that I'm a total cretin with no appreciation for symbolism in art whatsoever. But you do make a fine point! least to me, sorry.

I may as well admit that I was thrown out of an art class in school because the prof wouldn't have me; claimed I was too disruptive to the learning environment and although I passed the exams, I was "much less than serious." He was right of course. Nothing changes.
