The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #35611   Message #1446699
Posted By: GUEST,MBSLynne
30-Mar-05 - 05:35 AM
Thread Name: Why We Sing, Part II
Subject: RE: Why We Sing, Part II hit the nail on the head Jenny. I've just got back from Miskin at Easter where I've done loads of singing and a lot of other stuff too. It makes me feel good. It makes me feel real and alive. And this festival I discovered something new. On Thursday I sang. On Friday someone I didn't know came up to me and said that someone else had asked her to sing a particular song, which she usually does with another woman who wasn't there. She said that having heard me, she thought my voice would do as a substitute so could I learn this song to sing on Sunday evening? She wrote down the words, sang the first verse into her mobile phone, which she lent me, and I went away and learnt it. In the meantime she had collected two other friends. We practised with three of us twice I think and with the fourth a further once, all for about 15 minutes, then we performed it on Sunday with two of us doing the melody line, one higher harmonies and the other lower harmonies. I don't know what it sounded like to everyone else but the feeling of singing together like that took the enjoyment of singing to another dimension....absolutely bloody brilliant.

Love Lynne