The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #79724   Message #1446867
Posted By: Liz the Squeak
30-Mar-05 - 09:32 AM
Thread Name: BS: Jamie Oliver - Folk hero
Subject: RE: BS: Jamie Oliver - Folk hero
As a parent of a school age child, I'm more than happy to see this revolution come. I remember my own primmary school dinners (no choice, no alternative, no arguments) as being mostly vegetable based, meat looked like meat, potato looked like potato and custard looked like custard. That was in the 1970's. 30 years later, meat is dinosaur shaped, potatoes are smiley face shaped and custard is an unknown entity.

There is a TV programme that accompanies this campaign, showing Jamies' struggle to get better food into one school in North London. One pupil, when questioned, said he didn't like the dishes Jamie had cooked and wanted stuff like he got at home. When asked what that was, the answer was 'chips, burgers, pizza'..... However, when given no alternative, the pupils ate the JO meals.

Sure the guy has some language issues, he has some lessons to learn about bulk cooking and menu planning, but he's proved in no uncertain terms that we are feeding our children with carb- and sugar laden kack that actually contributes to poor concentration, and paying for the priviledge.

The sickening thing is, the 'cafeteria' style school canteen came into being about 25 years ago, about the time that most 35-40yr old parents were at school... they've never known anything but the chips and burger menu.

Add to that a certain frozen food chain store that will sell you a weeks worth of frozen food for £5, and you can pretty much guarantee that a lot of children never see a raw vegetable on their plates.