The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #79724   Message #1447097
Posted By: sian, west wales
30-Mar-05 - 04:24 PM
Thread Name: BS: Jamie Oliver - Folk hero
Subject: RE: BS: Jamie Oliver - Folk hero
stigweard, the 'rest of the UK' wish is a touch Anglo-centric. I don't know about Scotland and N Ireland, but Wales has an average 49p per head expenditure already and has been looking at ways of bumping that up. I think that Powys has the highest outlay - something around 69p,if memory serves. The fact that Jamie Oliver has conveniently made this an issue just in time for Mr Blair to get some pre-election airtime is ... coincidental?

A lot of people have been working long and hard to improve the quality of institutional food, especially in rural areas of Britain. It's finally beginning to pay off - a few councils in Wales have already made big changes to the menus in schools and banned junk food dispensers. It would be a pity of Jamie Oliver got the lion's share of the credit just because he's a media darling.

I guess we'll just have to wait and see what happens after the elections ... !
