The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #15876   Message #144710
Posted By: Liz the Squeak
04-Dec-99 - 06:33 PM
Thread Name: M'Cat Healing O, help required.
Subject: M'Cat Healing O, help required.
Healing circle help is in demand this weekend, one of our own, Micca, was admitted to hospital today, with severe stomach cramps. They have done some tests, and it sounds very much like gall stones, they're doing an ultrasound tomorrow to see. He is the sort of person who can lie around all day watching T.V., but as soon as he is made to stay in bed, starts climbing the walls and going cabin crazy, so you can imagine how he is feeling attached to a drip, with no T.V., nearby.....

If you could mention him in your prayers and rituals, as I will be....
