The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #15835   Message #144759
Posted By: bseed(charleskratz)
04-Dec-99 - 08:18 PM
Thread Name: Thought for the Day (Dec 3)
Subject: RE: Thought for the Day (Dec 3)
Sorry, I forgot to format the lyrics. the title is "I've Got Mine, Buddy"

Once the workers sang about a commonwealth of toil*,
But brotherhood has flittered out the door:
The AFL is sassy and the CIO is fat,
And solidarity ain't solid, any's

"Oh, I've got mine, buddy, yes I've made my little pile,
I had to fight like hell to get it, too;
You know I feel for you, buddy, and I wish you lots of luck,
But I ain't riskin' what I've got for you."

(alternative first verse)
Hey, that fat upon your belly is a baby born dead,
Or a young girl's teeth falling out of her head
While her bones grow brittle and shatter at a touch,
And it's all because you eat too much.

(chorus and out)

*"The Commonwealth of Toil" is an old union song set to the same tune.
