The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #79724 Message #1447691
Posted By: Moses
31-Mar-05 - 05:47 AM
Thread Name: BS: Jamie Oliver - Folk hero
Subject: RE: BS: Jamie Oliver - Folk hero
I have worked for ten years in a Secondary Comprehensive outer-London school in a non-teaching capacity.
Over the years I have noticed the behaviour of pupils deteriorate.
More teaching staff are now taking sick leave due to the stress of dealing with bad behaviour and more pupils are being excluded for physical violence and verbal abuse to both staff and other pupils.
Many factors contribute to this general worsening of attitude (TV, parental discipline, peer pressure etc.) BUT anything that can reduce the agressiveness and hyperactivity must surely be a good thing.
Fizzy drinks, additive-laden junk-food and a constant supply of vending-machine snacks and sweets (all of which are available in school) cannot improve their health.
Rubbish in - rubbish out:- it applies not just to computers!!
It needed a "Jamie" to highlight what has been known for years but was perceived by many in "authority" as too great a challenge.
Who knows, his programmes just may have got through to those who's support is vital to any long-term change towards healthier eating - I refer, of course, to the parents.