The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #15876   Message #144780
Posted By: CLETUS
04-Dec-99 - 09:52 PM
Thread Name: M'Cat Healing O, help required.
Subject: RE: M'Cat Healing O, help required.
I dun opent this heer thred cuz I seen it wuz started by thet Liz whuts got the hairy chest an I gotsta tell yall thet the idee uv a gittin tagather with a girl like thet shur duz wind my watch. But then I seen whair Mr. Micca wuz in the hospital an I know whut thet kinda thang iz like seeuns thet Catspaw wuz in one fer a rite long spell awhile back an when me an Paw went ta see him the folks at the hospital wudnt let us in les we went down ta place whut they calt Central Sterile cuz they sed we wuzzint fit ta do no visitin. Now Paw an me wuz reel worreet bout whut it wuz they had a mind ta do cuz neether one uv us wuz enny too intersted inna beein sterile but all they dun wuz scour us down a mite an give us sum new duds whut they calt scrubs.

I hope yall iz doin fine an all uv us whut hangs out at Catspaws place iz thinkin reel gud thots boutcha. Me an Paw an the Reg boys jist got outta the infirmary down ta the jail ourselfs. The Reg boys wuzza showin Paw an me the wayz uv Ice Fishin but we dun got arrested cuz the lake whair we went turnt out wuz no lake attall. The Reg boyz is Fielding's half brothers an bein Canadjuns an all we shudda noan better. Seems as how this lake where we bilt the shack an drillt the holes wuz the new Hockey Arena in Columbus an the poleece come by an we got arrested. Now whut happint thet we wuz in the infirmary come ta be cuz Paw wuzza lightin up summa his poots liken heez proan ta do and the Reg boys all git ta laffin. He shur wuz in fine form. Ennywayz, while the Reg boyz wuz talkin to the cops Paw flared one off an the damdest thing happint...The WHOLE PLACE BLEW UP and took two blocks uv downtown Columbus with it. Next thing I knew I wuz layin in the hospital all bandaged up an all I cud think wuz, "What a DOOZIE." But as it turnt out it wernt Paws fart whut dun it. Them dummass Reg boys drillt a lot of holes in the ice rink an one uv them rammed rite thru a gas main.

Ennyway, weezall thinkin gud thangs an hopin ya git better reel quik.