The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #79714   Message #1447842
Posted By: Little Hawk
31-Mar-05 - 09:14 AM
Thread Name: BS: You will believe anything if you believe
Subject: RE: BS: You will believe anything if you believe
Given the fact that Christianity itself has only been around for 2,000 years.... :-) It seems HIGHLY unlikely that God is exclusively Christian! (unless he/she/or it converted...)

For a nice, refreshing change, Guest, try reading about Taoism or Buddhism, where you don't even NEED to believe in an anthropomorphic "God" figure (made in the image of a human being). Or study the North American Indian Medicine Way, where "God" is referred to as the Great Mystery (that which cannot be defined or explained) (the Unmanifest out of which manifestation arises). I don't think Indians pictured a great big Chief up in the sky. Then there's Hinduism, another interesting take on the subject...where God is viewed in literally hundreds of different ways, all of which are merely aspects of the transcendent Divine, which is indescribable and again, Unmanifest. These are levels of understanding about reality, that's all. They are ways of interpreting subjectivity as opposed to objectivity...existence as opposed to non-existence...and so on. Well worth looking into.

If there is a God, it doesn't CARE whether or not you believe in it, in my opinion.