The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #79760   Message #1448321
Posted By: Once Famous
31-Mar-05 - 05:05 PM
Thread Name: BS: Obit--Terri Schiavo--rest in peace
Subject: RE: BS: Obit--Terri Schiavo--rest in peace
Lilyfestr, my wife and I each have a living, written will.

It's a moot question, really.

But if it should happen to you, I hope your husband wasn't living with another woman for 10 years and had two kids by her in a bygamist relationship and was capable of calling the shots.

I would think the people who were your real blood relatives would supercede a phony marriage that existed between Michael and Terri Schiavo. He didn't care and for him, she was better off dead.

Welcome to a the world of execution by convenience. Who's next, maybe a kid hooked up to a tube with cerabral palsy?

There is a group called "Not Dead Yet." who is just starting to get heard on this issue.

Question is will there be precedent or repurcussions. for the sake of living people, I hope the latter.