The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #15696   Message #144861
Posted By: reggie miles
05-Dec-99 - 02:20 AM
Thread Name: BS: WTO
Subject: RE: BS: WTO
Wyo Woman,

I was not painting all news crews with a broad brush but rather merely reporting what I myself witnessed. They were there, in position and not just passing by. They were waiting for it to happen, with a crowd around them, all standing awaiting the Kodak moment to arrive. Waiting for the actor to find his mark. They sure weren't filming the front of the Starbuck's store window for a commercial. Well, then again, maybe, who knows, some clever editing, throw in a few slogans, heck, they might even come up with a new blend in honor of the occasion. No offense intended but I know what I saw and it wasn't a news crew that just happened to be passing by and caught a moment on film. They were set up and waiting for it to happen. Does that make them as guilty as the guy who broke the window? Well in my book it stinks. Or what about the SPD who knew all too well before hand that there was a very real possibility of this sort of action taking place and did nothing to insure there was a deterent presence throughout the downtown business district? I was there. I wasn't there in any sort of job capcity and I didn't have a camera. I saw many incredible sights worth filming and did not see any of them on the tube. It doesn't take a genius to figure out what agenda these guys were working with. This sort of collusion is not uncommon. It's been honed to a fine art and used for years. Wake up and smell the coffee.