The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #79724   Message #1448654
Posted By: Liz the Squeak
01-Apr-05 - 02:32 AM
Thread Name: BS: Jamie Oliver - Folk hero
Subject: RE: BS: Jamie Oliver - Folk hero
I went shopping yesterday. The supermarket - Sainsbury's, who had Jamie in their adverts - are giving vouchers for sports equipment. Been done before you say? Yes it has... by Cadburys. Eat more chocolate, get more vouchers = public outcry about encouraging children to eat sweets.

Sainsburys have taken note of this and give vouchers for every £10 spent, plus extra vouchers for every £10 spent on fresh veg and fruit. Schools benefit from extra equipment (although why they just can't donate the stuff from their profits I don't know...), families benefit (hopefully) from fresh food that the extra vouchers has hopefully encouraged them to buy. Maybe the habit will set in and they'll carry on buying fresh stuff once the vouchers disappear.

Scotland may indeed have done it, but we all know that England still has its head firmly in the sand over many health issues.