The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #79759   Message #1449244
Posted By: PoppaGator
01-Apr-05 - 01:28 PM
Thread Name: BS: American League or National?
Subject: RE: BS: American League or National?
Rocky Colavito was traded for Harvey Kuene (sp? ~ pronounced "Keen") ~ batting champion for home-run champion. Harvey didn't stay with the Indians very long. His greatest accomplishment came after his playing days were over, as the most successful manager, ever, of the Milwaukee Brewers.

Amos, if you were a real fan of the 50s-60s Yankee dynasty, you wouldn't be crowing about Don Larson (a guy who had one unbelievable game in a mediocre career), but instead the incomparable Whitey Ford.

Best book ever written about the nuances of baseball fandom in New York in the 50s: A Day in the Bleachers by Arnold Hano. Observing the ancient Greek notion of unity, Hano describes a single 24-hour period ~ the first game of the 1954 World Series ~ but in the process he tells us all about the two leagues, the three New York teams, the characteristics of their respective fans, and all matter of baseball wisdom and history. I hope it's still in print, or at least available in libraries. (Arnold Hano was, among other things, a charter member of the staff of Sports Illustrated.)