The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #79784   Message #1449304
Posted By: Bernard
01-Apr-05 - 02:26 PM
Thread Name: Losing your voice in a smoky pub?
Subject: RE: Losing your voice in a smoky pub?
Yes, indeed.

I would take it a step further... in most folk clubs, talking (or walking around the room) during someone's performance is frowned upon.


Because it is a mark of respect for the performer.

Does that mean someone who wishes to walk around and talk, and is prevented from doing so, is being discriminated against? I think not. It is simply an accepted part of club etiquette, and these days smoking is starting to fall into that category, too.

If someone wishes to talk, they do so outside the club room, as they do not distract the performer or the audience by doing so. Smoking (as it affects others, not just the smoker) should logically be treated similarly.

I'm sorry if smokers find this offensive, but I am a life-long non-smoker, and find people's insistence that I should put up with their smoke equally offensive.