The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #79793   Message #1449380
Posted By: GUEST
01-Apr-05 - 03:33 PM
Thread Name: BS: Last rites given.... (pope)
Subject: RE: BS: Last rites given....
Actually, I disagree with your assessment of the pope's effectiveness, gnu.

I have a sister in law, who is a nun, and heads up the religion department at a major Catholic university. She didn't like the pope either. In fact, she and many American Catholic progressives like her, think this pope was TERRIBLE for Catholicism. He was extremely conservative, and did all he could to turn back the tide of Vatican II. As to being an anti-war pope, puhleez! He sure wasn't anti-war when the war was on the poor in Latin America, that's for sure!

He didn't even bat an eye when Archbishop Romero was assassinated.

So, don't go lecturing to the world that we "must" admit anything, just to agree with YOUR opinion of the pope.