The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #73340   Message #1449674
Posted By: Jerry Rasmussen
01-Apr-05 - 08:42 PM
Thread Name: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
Hey, Bill: Today is a good day because we had family visiting and my wife and I took them all out dinner and had a wonderful time. I also made volume two of a compilation CD of rock music my sons and I listened to in the 80's and 90's.. enjoying listening to it now.

But, your post reminded me of why this was a REALLY GOOD day. After my wife and I left the family and headed back home, she wanted to pick something up at the same store where I was hit by the SUV four or five days ago. This time, I parked in a parking space with SUVS on both sides, so I was protected. Not that there is any mercy in this world, as a couple of years ago, my wife and I were sitting in a rental car, parked in a legitimate parking space when an elderly woman backed up across two lanes in the lot and managed to slam into our car.

Sometimes you can't win for losing. Today, I did, though.

My ultimate nightmare is someone backing up in an SUV WHILE they are talking on their cell phone. Maybe some other day..

Today is a good day..
