The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #79813   Message #1449694
Posted By: Little Hawk
01-Apr-05 - 09:30 PM
Thread Name: BS: Obit: Little Hawk (April 1, 2096)
Subject: RE: BS: Obit: Little Hawk (April 1, 2096)
Yes, well, if you think he miscalculated this time, you should have seen back when he was going out with that exotic dancer, "S" (some time prior to his getting married). Hoo boy! He saved me bigtime. I was thinking seriously of going out with her myself at the time, but he headed her off at the pass. Best damned favour that boy EVER did for me...!

We all miscalculate now and then.

In less than 3 hours I will not be officially dead any longer. It's been...different. But not that different.

I was extra careful driving today, what with all this talk about me being dead already. I am now safe at home where nothing can happen. Nothing whatsoever. Nada. I am totally secure and protected.

Huh? What's that noise at the window...OH SHIT!!!!!!!!!!!!