The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #15876   Message #144990
Posted By: Cleigh O'Possum
05-Dec-99 - 01:16 PM
Thread Name: M'Cat Healing O, help required.
Subject: RE: M'Cat Healing O, help required.
I see from the other thread that Micca has gall stones and since so many others have sent him their best, even that stupid Cletus, I hope that Micca will know that the little clay possum is thinking of him too. Catspaw won't let Cletus around me anymore and I'm very glad. He was not a good influence, Catspaw says. He even had me peeking into Jeri's windows in hopes of seeing dragonflies hovering over her hooters. The nice policeman who arrested us understood that I was just an innocent possum, so the judge let me off and sentenced Cletus to 30 days at the Neil Young Center for the Terminally Screwed after finding him guilty of "Malfeasance with a Marsupial" and "Indecent Stupidity." Now all I ever hear Cletus talk about is Liz the Squeak's chest hair which doesn't seem too nice to me.

I really hope you get through the holidays without too much discomfort and I will be thinking my best thoughts should you have the surgery later.

All my best,

Cleigh O'Possum