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Thread #79872   Message #1450575
Posted By: dianavan
02-Apr-05 - 10:18 PM
Thread Name: BS: Sunnis urged to join Iraqi army
Subject: BS: Sunnis urged to join Iraqi army
"Influential Sunni clerics who once condemned Iraqi security-force members made an unexpected announcement yesterday, encouraging citizens to join the nascent police and army.

If heeded, the announcement could strengthen the image of the officers and soldiers trying to take over the fight against the Sunni-led insurgency."

Sorry, didn't mean to perjure but I forgot where I copied this from. Since it can be found anywhere, nobody should mind that I have failed to cite the source.

I think the conclusion is comical. Sunni security forces fighting a Sunni insurgency? I doubt it. More like the Sunnis will control the country by force of arms. As soon as they swell the ranks of the security forces and the U.S. finally withdraws, it will be an easy step to gain control of Iraq.

How can anyone be so dumb as to think that this is a step in the right direction? Then again, maybe this is what the U.S. wants. After all, it is highly unlikely that the U.S. can control a Shiite majority. It is far easier to corrupt the Sunnis. Hey, doesn't this put us right back to where Iraq was before Bush decided to force democracy down their throats?

The only difference will be that it won't be Saddam. Eventually it will be another dictator with a different name. Thats the history of the Middle East and GWB would have been wise to do a little homework before he decided to risk so many lives.

I hope there is a God and that he sends GWB straight to hell.