The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #79882   Message #1450887
Posted By: wysiwyg
03-Apr-05 - 01:08 PM
Thread Name: BS: The Pope: Non-obit thread
Subject: RE: BS: The Pope: Non-obit thread
His biography shares that when it came to personal garb, John Paul's lifelong custom was to wear whatever was serviceable until it fell apart in tatters, and that he tended not to accumalte personal belongings of any kind. Chose as well to move into a few small rooms at the Vatican instead of occupying a full-tilt palace (as had predecessors). Tending to be very monastic.

Now, what he had to wear "in uniform" might have been different, but this is not the same as what one chooses to wear for oneself. My Episcopal-priest husband, for example, has lots of stuff in his closet-full of "clericals." But they are not worn on his day off, when he's on his own time.

I'm not just talking about worship-garb (vestments). As I wrote at one point here, even I (as the spouse) have "work clothes" for various work-related functions such as a luncheon following a baptism or funeral, to which sort of event we are generally invited post-liturgy. But I don't wear my "funeral dress" when my husband and I go out to dinner on our own time. Can't afford the wear and tear on it-- have to keep it pressed and ready at all times-- nor is it my personal style.

So I can see how a man involved in lots of public events (as well as liturgical ceremonial) would have various footwear suitable to the occasions.
