Paging DMcG again. It's nice to encounter somebody who knows something about St. Petroc. You are quite correct St. Petroc did found a monastery in Padstow in the Sixth Century. Unfortunately, this first monastic settlement was burned by the Vikings in 981. All local monastic records were destroyed at that time. This Viking raid is recorded in the monastic records of the Bodmin monastery. This is a great loss, because the only people maintaining accurate historical records back then were monks. There's a local legend that the Obby Oss was used by the women of Padstow (the men being out at sea fishing) to frighten away a Viking raider. The legend states that they danced down to the beach and the Vikings fled fearing a monster. Legends change of course, and another version has the French fleeing in terror. Frankly, I have been sorely tempted to start another legend claiming that the Padstow Obby Oss frightened away the Spanish Armada.