The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #79882   Message #1450925
Posted By: GUEST
03-Apr-05 - 02:10 PM
Thread Name: BS: The Pope: Non-obit thread
Subject: RE: BS: The Pope: Non-obit thread
I agree Giok. He was very old school--much like the millenium anti-modernist Pope Pius X.

It is no coincidence that the College of Cardinals chooses popes that negate the predecessor's influence. Pius X succeeded the reformist modernizer Leo XIII, and did his damndest to undo what Leo had done.

Same with John Paul, who did his damndest to undo the Vatican II reforms, and turn back the tide of modernization (ie birth control, recognition of the equality of women--which the Roman Catholic church STILL hasn't done, etc.) in Europe and North America in particular.